Sunday, June 15, 2008


Snowflakes and Origami have similar ways. Snowflakes are particles in the snow's universe, and the snowflake form, never repeats itself two or more times, making a big universe of infinite forms, created in different temperatures. Just like in Origami there are different shapes made by different artists.

This is a special snowflake. Snowflakes always have 6 sides, like an hexagon, however this snowflake has 8 sides. It's easy to explain: it tell us how the unreal may be possible, and that we can to think beyond that thought.

Representing a Snowflake-Box helps to, explain how the knowledge is saved into a box. That is our mind is a snowfkake of infinite wisdom like the infinite snowflakes form. But it is an empty not a fully box, that we are going to fill, learn and enjoy through life. Because you are a Snowflake-Box, no one is like you. So live life and be happy.

Designer: Juan Francisco

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Blogger Erick Montes said...

Where can I find instructions on how to make this?
It's exactly what I need for a project. Please let me know!

November 18, 2009  
Blogger Erick Montes said...

Where can I find instructions on how to make this?
It's exactly what I need for a project. Please let me know!

November 18, 2009  

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